Freaks in the News

Even if he is innocent of the death of Jonbennet Ramsey, you have to love the fact that the major media is forced to expose freaks like John Mark Karr for what they are: sick sonsa-bitches!
Too frequently, we hear of his type getting a slap on the wrist for committing the atrocities that he undoubtly has committed...then getting defended by the liberal media as being victims themselves!
Let the peaceniks anti-capital punishment crowd defend this sick bastard!! Put him in a vise and squeeze the puss out of this sick freak.
Bikers Beware !!!

Hello Broadway!

Have you ever noticed that a song always solves a problem in a musical? I have taken this practice and am applying it to real life. Imagine how bright and sunny every day would become. Try singing and dancing your way out of a speeding ticket or an IRS audit. Who knows, they might join in with you.
Wanted: Land for Sale

As a follow up to my previous post, I am searching for some land to purchase in Northern Montana. I need at least 50 acres with a shack to live in. If a shack is not available, a cave will suffice. This will be part of my mental cleansing process. The acreage must have cellular access.
I'm out looking for some clarity.
