The Cure for All Evils

I have turned to a new solution to cure myself of this pain, I watch Spongebob Squarepants. Spongebob is the ultimate envoy of peace. We need to have the UN send Spongebob into the Middle Hell and sit down with all of the hate groups. Watch an episode of Spongebob and you’ll see his diplomatic tongue in action as his hateful best friend Squidward tries to push Spongebob out of bikini Bottom. He deals with his money hungry boss Mr. Crabs in a very humble manner giving his 110% best to be the best fry cook he can be and he never asks for more money.
A loyal friend to Patrick and an open heart to Plankton, Spongebob is the nurturing presence we need in our lives. My solution for the hatred in this world, a 6 pack and some Spongebob. We should be dropping tapes of Spongebob in the Middle Hell and we’ll see who’s killing who in a week.
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea………..
My ears bleed when I hear "National Healthcare".

Is a "National Health Plan" needed to provide coverage for all? I am strongly against this "fix" to the problem. This is another facet in life that should not be turned over to the government. The National Health Care movement is gaining traction, but is still a long way from being viable in my opinion. I have compiled my thought on why a "Canadian" health program is a bad idea:
1) First, you have to believe access to healthcare is a right not a privilege. (I'm not, sure where I stand on this.)
2) We will not have a successful tort reform policy with the current bill of lawyers in Congress.
3) Too many people are making too much money in this business=POWERFUL LOBBY
4) If Uncle Sam started paying the bill, reimbursement rates would fall, shareholder value would diminish, facilities would shrink, and R&D would dramatically slow. This is a chain reaction that would halt any economic growth in the future.
5) We do not need to pay another 5-15% tax on our income. (The wealthy would have an all-in tax rate of around 60% once state and local taxes are included, VIVA LE FRANCE!)
6) Massive layoffs, as the private insurers would no longer be needed.
7) Waiting lists for non-critical surgeries.
8) We would be more like FRANCE and CANADA!
It's getting too hot in Lebanon.

Back in the kitchen
After a long absence, I am back in the kitchen brewing up some more dishes for CS. I hope we have not lost some regular traffic in our staleness over the past thirty days. I think Will and is ready to rock and roll and hopefully our Truth Pain friend from the Left Coast will contribute some interesting dialogue. Much has happened over the last month in the world, should make for some good bantor.