Peace-Loving or America-Hating...which is it?

Using the war on terrorism for political gain began immediately during the days following 9/11. Many public figures began expressing their fear of the inevitable U.S. retaliation. They hoped for patience and understanding - thoughtful reflection - before American action. They insisted we seek to understand why radical Muslim groups hated the United States rather than to recognize their evil ways and against them. Nightly, we heard the "intellectually superior" tell us that we needed to reflect on why these groups wanted to see Americans die and that we were wrong in wanting to defend ourselves. This was where the politicizing the war on terror began.
On United Flight 93 over Pennsylvania, a group of American heroes were about to save the lives of hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of other Americans by sacrificing their own. These heroes left an indelible mark when they fought that evil aboard that plane. They took immediate action to eliminate them. The call of "Let’s roll!" has become synonymous with bravery and heroism. While they certainly regretted that innocent women and children were about to die in their heroic efforts, they brought the plane down in a fiery crash that will always be etched in our minds. I can remember a strange sense of relief (and immence pride) when I learned that the heroes on board that flight foiled that evil plot. How would this have played out if there was a protest to American defensive action aboard Flight 93?
What if there were other Americans aboard the plane blaming our leaders in Washington for the radicals that high-jacked that plane? Would the rest of the passengers stand idly by and watch the plane hit the White House or perhaps another building full of innocents? What would happen while the passengers reflected on the highjacker’s hatred for us? Would that not strengthen the resolve of the terrorists and make their mission more achievable?
Those of us that despise war and long for a more peaceful world need understand that what happened over Pennsylvania is much the same as the war on terrorism. It is regrettable that innocent people have died, that American soldiers have said "Let's roll!" only to die in their own fiery crash. But, we have not initiated the decision to do battle in Iraq and Afghanistan any more than the innocent victims of Flight 93 boarded that plane with the intention of having it dive into a Pennsylvania field. Those that blame American first are giving the terrorists more resolve and their missions more achievable.
The Blame America First Crowd began chanting protests of American Imperialism because of our movement to eliminate the Taliban. Their cries have grown louder as we have moved into Iraq. Now with every American set-back in Iraq, their shrillness is almost unbearable.

President Bush, at worst, made a public relations mistake by placing so much emphasis on the weapons of mass destruction -although those fears were legitimate, his mistake that would provide more ammunition for the "Blame American First" crowd and for the those that want to terrorize our nation when those weapons were found to be missing. Note: the terrorists had no weapons of mass destruction on 9/11. They improvised.
On 9/11, how many of us would have predicted nearly five years without a terrorist strike within the borders of our country? Scantly a few, I am sure. These anti-American groups have gravitated to Iraq to fight our way of living. However, this time, they have been met with Americans with the arms to beat them.
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“Congressman who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.”
-President Abraham Lincoln-
I wonder how long GWB or any president for that matter would last if they made a statement like that today.
Your topic here is very heavy to me... I still remember holding my daughter in my arms and just watching the towers go down, wondering what kind of world I had brought her into.
I still can't find the time to even do a cursory posting on 9/11, I don't know why, but I just cant. I thank you for the words,.. many things to think about and plenty to digest.
-President Abraham Lincoln-
I wonder how long GWB or any president for that matter would last if they made a statement like that today.
Your topic here is very heavy to me... I still remember holding my daughter in my arms and just watching the towers go down, wondering what kind of world I had brought her into.
I still can't find the time to even do a cursory posting on 9/11, I don't know why, but I just cant. I thank you for the words,.. many things to think about and plenty to digest.
This "blame America first" BS really makes my blood boil. It isn't about assigning blame, it is about acknowledging the mistakes we have made and learning from those mistakes. Winning the war on terror will involve reaching out to those people who may, in the future, decide to commit terrorist acts. We need to reach them BEFORE they come to that decision. That is really the ONLY way to end terrorism.
President Bush, at worst, made a public relations mistake by placing so much emphasis on the weapons of mass destruction -although those fears were legitimate...
That's nonsense. The fears were NOT legitimate. According to Hans Blix, the inspections were working. bush wanted to invade Iraq from day one. WMD was a convenient excuse.
On 9/11, how many of us would have predicted nearly five years without a terrorist strike within the borders of our country? Scantly a few, I am sure. These anti-American groups have gravitated to Iraq to fight our way of living. However, this time, they have been met with Americans with the arms to beat them.
I'm not sure what you're implying, but my guess is that you're saying "we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here", which is total BS. The war in Iraq has made terrorism WORSE. Terrorists go to Iraq for training! BTW it was EIGHT YEARS between the first WTC bombing and the September 11th attacks.
The Blame America First Crowd began chanting protests of American Imperialism because of our movement to eliminate the Taliban.
I'm not sure who you are referring to, but a lot of Liberals supported the war in Afghanistan. We should have stayed there and finished the job. Instead bush decided to "cut and run" in Afghanistan because he was so eager to attack Iraq -- a country that had nothing to do with September 11th or the war on terror.
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President Bush, at worst, made a public relations mistake by placing so much emphasis on the weapons of mass destruction -although those fears were legitimate...
That's nonsense. The fears were NOT legitimate. According to Hans Blix, the inspections were working. bush wanted to invade Iraq from day one. WMD was a convenient excuse.
On 9/11, how many of us would have predicted nearly five years without a terrorist strike within the borders of our country? Scantly a few, I am sure. These anti-American groups have gravitated to Iraq to fight our way of living. However, this time, they have been met with Americans with the arms to beat them.
I'm not sure what you're implying, but my guess is that you're saying "we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here", which is total BS. The war in Iraq has made terrorism WORSE. Terrorists go to Iraq for training! BTW it was EIGHT YEARS between the first WTC bombing and the September 11th attacks.
The Blame America First Crowd began chanting protests of American Imperialism because of our movement to eliminate the Taliban.
I'm not sure who you are referring to, but a lot of Liberals supported the war in Afghanistan. We should have stayed there and finished the job. Instead bush decided to "cut and run" in Afghanistan because he was so eager to attack Iraq -- a country that had nothing to do with September 11th or the war on terror.
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