
A simple but worrysome concept has been festering away in my gray matter and to be honest, the more I think about it the more my disbelief increases. Sometimes the most complex things in life are caused by a simple and universal truth. Take the voting participation for example, and its cause/effect on our entire lives. Richard Nixon gave the term "the silent majority" gravitas in the 70's. A term to what he thought were people supporting his foreign policy action but not verbally expressing it like the media and peace movement was. This is a different silence; and while not an expert on the moribund system we call our electoral system, I've reached a few conclusions.
(contributor's note:... like the topic so far? in order to save valuable "soup" real estate, and this being a lengthy piece, I invite you to finish the read at my blog site. Enjoy!)
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Ahh, Nixon. The President who gave us the EPA, and more regulations for industries to follow. And its a good thing too, because we've seen that the Enrons of the world can't police themselves.
So think about the true Nixon legacy before you mouth off on giving nuclear energy to the private sector.
So think about the true Nixon legacy before you mouth off on giving nuclear energy to the private sector.
I'm not praising Nixon or his legacy. As to the nuclear energy issue? Who makes our nukes, carriers, jet airplanes, Space shuttle, submarines?... PRIVATE INDUSTRY :) Thank God for that, the Gov has the market cornered on one thing and one thing only, spending money.
by the way,... we here at the Soup don't "mouth off" at anything. We may be curt, reflective, pointed, in-parody, or (in the case of yours trully) sarcastic beyond redemption... but "mouthing off" is something we leave to people of deeper passions that we espouse to have.
But if that is just a word of your particular venacular then so be it. Diversity is the eye of the beholder.
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by the way,... we here at the Soup don't "mouth off" at anything. We may be curt, reflective, pointed, in-parody, or (in the case of yours trully) sarcastic beyond redemption... but "mouthing off" is something we leave to people of deeper passions that we espouse to have.
But if that is just a word of your particular venacular then so be it. Diversity is the eye of the beholder.
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