
If They Really Want Peace...

...the peace crowd should be crying for a world economic sanctions against Iran. Unfortunately, most will likely wait until military intervention is inevitable - then, will claim U.S. impatience. The difficult decisions need to made now so that future deaths can be averted. But, some would rather wait to blame America (or Israel) first.


May I remind everybody that Israel (unlike the politically correct mantra here) gives no quarter when it comes to its defense?. Sure it gallantly and with discipline abstained itself when a few Scuds were launched at her during Gulf War 91',... but does anyone remember them taking out the nuclear reactors in Iraq just a decade before?...
I'm not one to push for belicose acts of any kind, but I think this one time we should just sit it out and let the Mossad and IDF do its thing. I've read Israeli history,... that Lion of the dessert knows how to defend herself.
During the threats made against Israel by the Iranian leadership, Israel kindly reminded them that ISRAEL has the capability to do the same to IRAN. But ISRAEL can do it TODAY!...but, hastn't.

I do not believe that much of the peace-crowd has American interests at heart. The base of their political opinion has to do with hatred and fear of the U.S.
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