Conservative Soup Welcomes Newest Addition

Dardin Edward joins Conservative Soup! Let's see...a Catholic, a Libertarian, and a Quaker walk into a bar...
Milt and Will
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Well, thats a welcome wagon if I've ever seen one. My libertarian co-horts are calling me a sellout, my liberal friends are squirming becuaue I have another forum to keep them honest and my vast-right-wing-cospiracy-in-black-helicopter buddies are scared I may rat them out. Don't fear fella's, Will and Milt will keep me in my cage for awhile until I learn how to swim in this soup bowl. Glad to be aboard! (jeez, not what do I do?)
.. and the Libertarian sees the new "No Smoking" sign, because the city just passed a new no smoking ordinance for all the bars, and so he says "Screw that!" and lights up.
And the Catholic says, "Screw whatever, Joe, as long as it's female, and just don't use a condom."
And the Quaker just sits there and doesn't say anything 'cause he's waiting for Somebody to tell him what to say...
And the Catholic says, "Screw whatever, Joe, as long as it's female, and just don't use a condom."
And the Quaker just sits there and doesn't say anything 'cause he's waiting for Somebody to tell him what to say...
Dave, isn't it way past your bedtime out there in Jersey to be lobbing comments from the peanut gallery?... on the other hand, I just dedicated a posting (at my own blog) to our conversation so I guess it is fitting to see you here so soon after my "gauntlet run". I hope to see you often around these parts...
Will, Milt, I will copy each of my postings (at least the ones I have so far) at a rate of one a week so as not to clutter things too much. In between I will contribute more "edited" versions and commentary to better fit with the theme and format of Conservative Soup,... sound good?
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