Tancredo v. Kennedy = Reason v. Race Card

Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. "If the protesters really want to honor America's values, they would stand up to lawbreakers and embrace an enforcement-first approach to fixing our broken system."
Typical Leftist rant from Ted Kennedy: "This is reminiscent of the civil rights movement." American blacks should be outraged with this statement. Is illegal a color?
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hmmm.... if that photo is not proof that miracle bra'a are a God-send I don't know what is.
I am so tired of this crap. Any sane and logical striving for law and order is used as a political football,... or soccer ball for that matter. "Illegal" is the operative word here. Its ludicrous to have read some of the signs during the today's marches ...("all we want is our rights") What rights are those? under what law, constitution or international decree is crossing a border of a sovereign nation met with "rights"? You want rights? how about the bottle of evian, the 3 square meals, and free ride on the border patrol van when you crossed the Rio Grande? Its amazing to me to think that illegals think we are being unfair. Has anybody mentioned what happens to Guatemalans when they cross into Mexico's southern border? Does anybody think the Mexican border patrol is the paragagon of humanitarian assistance? We Americans as so kind and giving that anything less than complete and utter emasculation of national laws comes accross as "mean spirited". This libertarian is all for kindness and care to the needy, but you don't see me leaving the door of my house open so every needy person walking by can come in for a steak dinner. Maybe all the hungry illegals can come by the compound and take from Ted "man-breast" Kennedy's largesse. He certainly has enough milk in those puppies to feed half of Baja California. Sorry Will, I'm pissed tonight.
I am so tired of this crap. Any sane and logical striving for law and order is used as a political football,... or soccer ball for that matter. "Illegal" is the operative word here. Its ludicrous to have read some of the signs during the today's marches ...("all we want is our rights") What rights are those? under what law, constitution or international decree is crossing a border of a sovereign nation met with "rights"? You want rights? how about the bottle of evian, the 3 square meals, and free ride on the border patrol van when you crossed the Rio Grande? Its amazing to me to think that illegals think we are being unfair. Has anybody mentioned what happens to Guatemalans when they cross into Mexico's southern border? Does anybody think the Mexican border patrol is the paragagon of humanitarian assistance? We Americans as so kind and giving that anything less than complete and utter emasculation of national laws comes accross as "mean spirited". This libertarian is all for kindness and care to the needy, but you don't see me leaving the door of my house open so every needy person walking by can come in for a steak dinner. Maybe all the hungry illegals can come by the compound and take from Ted "man-breast" Kennedy's largesse. He certainly has enough milk in those puppies to feed half of Baja California. Sorry Will, I'm pissed tonight.
Dardin Ed,
Very good reply, I enjoy your comments and have heard you have created your own blog.
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Very good reply, I enjoy your comments and have heard you have created your own blog.
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