French Immigration Policy - Where is the Liberal Outcry?

Interestingly, it is the Left that is most critical of American immigration policy. However, it is their beloved FRANCE that has a bill in it's parliament expecting passage. The fact is that the French bill is EXTREMELY radical in comparison to the American policies. Oh yeah! Imagine if the U.S. required each new immigrant to know and appreciate American culture! Ha! Such a thought flies in the face of all that the Left in America has tried to accomplish during their assault on American culture during the past several decades!
Oh, but don't expect Liberal outcry! The reason? Because the Blame America First Liberal crowd is loaded with subversive agenda, hypocritical nature, and pure hatred for all things America. Remember Alec Baldwin's "threat" that he was moving to France if Bush was re-elected? Where is HIS protest?
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Please don't labor under the assumption that all of us over here on the Left love France. We don't, and I don't know why that is the perception of conservatives. There are a few French films I like, and I am madly in love with Audrey Tautou, but that's about it for me...
And Alec Baldwin is boring.
Although he was good in "The Cooler."
And Alec Baldwin is boring.
Although he was good in "The Cooler."
You are right (or should I say correct, ha) have a way of "leveling-off" my thoughts. I need to make fewer blanket-statements concerning the thoughts of the Left. Of course you are not all hypocrits! Thank you for pointing that out to me.
You are right (or should I say correct, ha) have a way of "leveling-off" my thoughts. I need to make fewer blanket-statements concerning the thoughts of the Left. Of course you are not all hypocrits! Thank you for pointing that out to me.
It's funny to hear the generalizations most of us make in regards to views and various political topics. I think most of the comments in regards to left/right ideology is very selective; but as a Libertarian myself please note that I suffer from the same malady. One can take the same set of facts on any issue and make a salient observation about it to the point of skewing your peers to your perspective. In the end, nothing "bastes people in reality" as when an issue gets to critical mass. Just as the Frogs,.. er I mean French, are waking up to the realization that there's a couple of million muslims burning down the house in the guetto burbs of Paris and that their joke of an economy is about to implode in socialy mandated spending, so does the American pshyche awaken from its slumber to its own realization that there is no light-hearted way to deal with the immigration problem. It is not for the faint of heart and too far developed for the political correctness of both parties tip-toeing through the tullips. The first Politico who grows a pair (balls or ovaries) fast enough to level with the hoi polloi will get a head start on the rest of the dwarfs running in oh-eight. THIS issue, Will,... has legs aplenty.
Fact is we do want immigrants as they are needed to keep our economy thriving. The fact that we want to control illegal immigration frightens those that are not aware of the risks of the alternative.
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