
Easter has become one of the most holy Christian celebrations. However, it is not found anywhere in the Bible. My family celebrates Easter every year. But, we have always maintained a careful awareness of its meaning. I don't believe that most have done this. I believe that knowing the pagan roots of Holy observances is key to maintaining purity in one's worship.
Easter? Most don't even know the origin of the name! Two pagan goddesses were the source. Estere was a pagan fertility goddess and Ishtar (an Old Testament pagan goddess that rose with the sunrise). Female deities, the rabbit and egg have represented pagan fertility celebrations for milleniums.
The problem is obvious. Holy observances that have been leached forward to convert pagans to Christianity many centuries ago have some inherently dangerous undertones. His death and resurrection should be celebrated - but, His supreme sacrifice should be observed everyday, not when the moon is lined-up correctly with the earth (Easter's celebration is ted to the spring equinox - the actual date is set as the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs after the spring equinox). Let the kids enjoy Easter...but, you might consider telling them its just for fun.
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That was one of the most concise, mental-friendly, logical, digestible, compassionate, and effortless reads I've had the pleasure to enjoy in a while. Well done! Its always a good day when one can read something previously not considered. I'm 45 and I learned something new today. Excellent!
I have to say, that is very much appreciated. Especially coming from one who demonstrates excellent prose such as yourself!
The problem with blogs is that anyone can say everything. For example, "Easter's celebration is tied to the spring equinox."
Nope. The date is tied to Passover, which is what Christ was celebrating just before his betrayal. In turn, the date for Passover is connected with the lunar calendar, because that's what was available for tracking dates when the Israelites were in Egypt several thousand years ago.
I expect you'll next condemn Christmas for being "tied" to Winter Solstice. Scary pagan theories are everywhere!
Nope. The date is tied to Passover, which is what Christ was celebrating just before his betrayal. In turn, the date for Passover is connected with the lunar calendar, because that's what was available for tracking dates when the Israelites were in Egypt several thousand years ago.
I expect you'll next condemn Christmas for being "tied" to Winter Solstice. Scary pagan theories are everywhere!
Should we not be able to say "everything"?. Interesting point on the lunar calander theory. I'll study that one further.
While I didn't "condemn" Easter. I don't feel there is anything wrong with awareness of tradition. And...hey, guess what!!! Christmas falls on the exact date of an ancient Pagan Winter celebration. Many theories abound regarding the exact time of year Christ was born. But, nearly all agree that it wasn't in December! Thanks for bringing up a great point...although that kind of takes the surprise out of my Merry Pagan Holiday post due out this December!
Thanks for dropping a line...
While I didn't "condemn" Easter. I don't feel there is anything wrong with awareness of tradition. And...hey, guess what!!! Christmas falls on the exact date of an ancient Pagan Winter celebration. Many theories abound regarding the exact time of year Christ was born. But, nearly all agree that it wasn't in December! Thanks for bringing up a great point...although that kind of takes the surprise out of my Merry Pagan Holiday post due out this December!
Thanks for dropping a line...
Obviously, Passover and Easter are explicitly linked. But, Passover is on the 14th of the month. Easter is does not coincide with this date. It is based on the lunar cycle as you admit.
And finally, these are only scary pagan theories if you have something to fear. You have not argued any of the other points of the post. I find that interesting. I'd rather live my life with knowledge of origin rather than unwittingly following tradition.
Obviously, Passover and Easter are explicitly linked. But, Passover is on the 14th of the month. Easter is does not coincide with this date. It is based on the lunar cycle as you admit.
And finally, these are only scary pagan theories if you have something to fear. You have not argued any of the other points of the post. I find that interesting. I'd rather live my life with knowledge of origin rather than unwittingly following tradition.
Jeez, all this pagan talk makes me want to melt all my gold, sculpt a golden calf, wear my fashionable lamb-hoof pants and dance to in homage to the great God Krispy Kreme.
That one can say "anything" is never a problem, Ralph. That is our given constitutional right to do so, as long as we don't slander, mis-represent or WILL-fully omit a fact under oath. What is wrong is just digesting the contents of any blog without doing your own home-work. Reading a blog, unlike religion, should be devoid of blind faith. Ooooops... did I just say faith? Horrors! Pan will surely never share his flute with me again......
That one can say "anything" is never a problem, Ralph. That is our given constitutional right to do so, as long as we don't slander, mis-represent or WILL-fully omit a fact under oath. What is wrong is just digesting the contents of any blog without doing your own home-work. Reading a blog, unlike religion, should be devoid of blind faith. Ooooops... did I just say faith? Horrors! Pan will surely never share his flute with me again......
Never claiming to be correct ALL the time, I won't post erroneous info in an effort to slander. If I do point fingers, it will likely be at the leftist hypocrisy...well, maybe toward religious hypocrisy...or maybe leftist hate-mongers...ok, the intellectually naive. Oh, I almost forgot the ones not basted in reality...nevermind. What was I talking about?
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