Darfur Victims Need Help

Darfur: up to 2 million without homes and hundreds of thousands dead
There is no monetary gain for U.N. member nations; no advancement of U.S. interests...only a chance to end human suffering. The word needs to get out about the atrocities. Hopefully, we will see some conviction on the part of our leadership. We need to save the innocent.
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Will, a perfect example of being torn between our duties as a country and our individual duties as citizens of the world. As a human being my heart is sickened by this of course. But where as a country do we draw the line? After Darfur, where next? what other Despot to overthrow? What other ill to cure, what other country to bail-out? what other war to finish? There is a time when individual regions of the world must take the battle call and lead. Europe, India, the Middle East, Saudi Arabia,... all closer neighbors than we are and all awaiting for America to stick their foot in yet another brian patch. Why doesnt the church in Rome sell off some of the largesse in their volts and museums and give the proceeds to the hungry? ... I am tired of getting taxed to the bone marrow for yet another crusade against "something". A bit of Isolationism from USA may force the world to "sack up" and care for the planets ills. We cant do this alone.
In my opinion, this is where the "citizens of the world" comes into play. You're right, where do you draw the line...the slippery slope. Well, we have to take our chances and draw in as many of the world community as we can to deal with defense of the defenseless. I do have to question why we are so much more willing to help the light-skinned however.
In my opinion, this is where the "citizens of the world" comes into play. You're right, where do you draw the line...the slippery slope. Well, we have to take our chances and draw in as many of the world community as we can to deal with defense of the defenseless. I do have to question why we are so much more willing to help the light-skinned however.
Will, please tell me you have not bought into the "globalist" theme. Please, that reality is alive only in a Gene Roddenberry TV Show. There are defenseless humans everywhere, even in the 'hoods of Gary, Indiana. Your idealism although noble, has a tinge of socialism, which I am allergic to in every sense of the word.
As to the light-skinned comment?... now you've REALLY openned up a can of worms. I will only say this. WE are ALL inherently pre-disposed to care and emote for those things both closest to us and that most reflect and mimic who we are. The reason I (as a non-black) may feel the tug of pity and care for white kids starving in Kentucky but not in Darfur is not because I am a racist, but because we have a genetically-written bias which veers us towards that which most closely reminds us of ourselves. Sorry if that just awoke eyebrows all around the bloggesphere but to deny it is to be naive. I am of Puerto Rican descent, light skinned, born in upstate New York. Whenever a hurricane hits the island I run to the PC and send the American Red Cross something. It is an almost Pavlovian response to help that which i deem close to my heart. I did not have that same response in last year's Tsunami. Why? I don't know. It's not that I did not contribute (I did) but it did not strike the same emotional chord. I cried during Katrina,.. those where my American compatriots suffering. I did not cry during the earthquakes of Pakistan,... coincidence? I know its fashionable to bring up the racism card whenever we are looking to answers life's travesties. Just don't let the question about "willing to help the light-skinned" hang there wet flatulence. The un-answered void will be needlessly filled with dark thoughts. You're killing me today Will....
As to the light-skinned comment?... now you've REALLY openned up a can of worms. I will only say this. WE are ALL inherently pre-disposed to care and emote for those things both closest to us and that most reflect and mimic who we are. The reason I (as a non-black) may feel the tug of pity and care for white kids starving in Kentucky but not in Darfur is not because I am a racist, but because we have a genetically-written bias which veers us towards that which most closely reminds us of ourselves. Sorry if that just awoke eyebrows all around the bloggesphere but to deny it is to be naive. I am of Puerto Rican descent, light skinned, born in upstate New York. Whenever a hurricane hits the island I run to the PC and send the American Red Cross something. It is an almost Pavlovian response to help that which i deem close to my heart. I did not have that same response in last year's Tsunami. Why? I don't know. It's not that I did not contribute (I did) but it did not strike the same emotional chord. I cried during Katrina,.. those where my American compatriots suffering. I did not cry during the earthquakes of Pakistan,... coincidence? I know its fashionable to bring up the racism card whenever we are looking to answers life's travesties. Just don't let the question about "willing to help the light-skinned" hang there wet flatulence. The un-answered void will be needlessly filled with dark thoughts. You're killing me today Will....
ahhh, even if we ARE predispositioned to behave in a certain way doesn't mean we should be inclined to do so. THAT rings of many other behaviors that are blamed on genetics. My fellow Blog Dude, women and children are my weakness. I will always want for their betterment when left in deplorable conditions (my boy is Ukrainian, for example). I am not saying that the U.S. is RESPONSIBLE, merely that we have a human duty to help each other whether inside or outside our borders. THAT fact was what drove Ronald Reagan's stand against the tyranny of the USSR (despite liberal claims to some war-mongering genetic predisposition, ha!). Dardin, you are still the man.
oh, and the black thing? it IS what it IS..regardless of supposed predispositions. I will always espouse what I feel is RIGHT - regardless of inclinations we may or may not have.
You are a better man than me Will, and I can say your views, though different in their perspective, always make me ponder and either re-enforce or re-think my own. Thats the best compliment I can pay you. Nice piece :)
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