Christ's Message

After reading a comment from our friend Dardin Edward, I revised this to better reflect its intended message.
This writing is actually geared toward the pseudo-Christians that he speaks of (and that represents a HUGE portion of those that go to church every week). Those people break nearly each of the ideals mentioned in the following paragraphs with reckless abandon.
The damage done to Christianity has been perpetrated mainly by those pseudo-Christians that claim to be doing the Lord’s work by condemning others - then, turning to commit even worse atrocities themselves!
Hypocrisy abounds inside the church walls causing the state of Christianity to be a major concern. Children abused, wars waged, people murdered and wholesale destruction of societies by people claiming to be Christ-like - what a joke! I am appalled by the damage they have done to my religion.
Today's Christians could benefit from a refresher course of Christ's word and the spirit in which he spoke them. The sins of Pride, Hypocrisy, and Judgment of Others were three overwhelming themes of Jesus Christ’s message (beside the obvious, of course! i.e. "the way to the Father is through the Son"). All three of these have to do with our relationships with others.
I found the following biblical passages especially appropriate:
Pride: social status, boastfulness, absorbed in one’s self, vanity
Roman’s 12:6 let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other (MSG)
Hypocrisy: preaching one way (especially in the name of the Lord) and behaving in another - THIS is taking the Lord’s name in vain
2 Corinthians 4:2, We keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display, so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves in the presence of God (MSG)
Judging Others: finding behaviors disagreeable and condemning as "most abhorrent" Luke 6:36-6:38 Our Father is kind; you be kind. Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, and criticize their faults--unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down (MSG)
A passage that deals with all three?:
1 Thessalonians 4:9 Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other (NIV)
Today's Church of Followers would be better tuned to the real meaning of Christ-like if they would follow these disciplines. Don't get me wrong, I do not think for a second that I'm faultless in these. But, by recognizing my faults, I will be stronger.
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Will, As a religious man myself I marvel at your ability to espouse your spiritual views in a forum such as this. I consider religion and politics to be exclusive and inseparable at the same time. But living in the reality of the "now" and under own "Ceasars", I find I have to serve my spiritual master (God) whithin the confines of my heart, and my other master (society) the balance of my time. Religion is both divisive in nature albeit noble in intent. Most wars have begun in the name of God, and most horrors have been done due to God's absence. One cannot escape the fact that we must share a world -that although may be full of "unbelievers"- is still a world of children of the all-mighty and it behooves us not to aliniate our prospects by putting his word at the tip of our blogging sword. The first ammendment guarantees our freedom to say and do what we think. But sometimes we avoid thinking of the perils that comes with it. My father (a minister of the southern baptist ministry) says in all candor that "religion and sex should be done in private, and not spoken about in public". I have to agree with the old man, in spite of Jesus' own sayings to manifest his word to the four corners of the world. I appreciate your theme and observations, but wonder how many people just wrote you off as another right wing religions wacko. Just a humble observation. God bless you.
First, Conservative Soup is “values-driven thought” based.
Second, my post needs to be amended somewhat. It is actually geared toward the pseudo-Christians that you speak of (and that represents a HUGE portion of those that go to church every week). Those people break nearly each of the ideals mentioned in the post regularly – and they don’t TRY to be Christ-like in that regard. I can appreciate what you are saying. I too believe that one shouldn’t wear faith as a badge of honor. But, I also know that God commands me to “stand in the light”.
The damage done to the Christianity has been perpetrated mainly by those pseudo-Christians that claim to be doing the Lord’s work by condemning others then, turning to commit even worse atrocities! The hypocrisy that abounds inside the church walls is astounding! And you are right! Children abused, wars waged, people murdered and wholesale destruction of societies by people claiming to be Christ-like…what a joke!
If you notice, most of my posts are geared toward contradictions and hypocrisy. Futher, they are reflected of my “values” and not my political views. My spirituality is such a big part of my make-up that I have to have to let it be reflected as such. I know that there is risk inherent with these types of posts (“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves”). But, I also know that God smiles when they are posted.
First, Conservative Soup is “values-driven thought” based.
Second, my post needs to be amended somewhat. It is actually geared toward the pseudo-Christians that you speak of (and that represents a HUGE portion of those that go to church every week). Those people break nearly each of the ideals mentioned in the post regularly – and they don’t TRY to be Christ-like in that regard. I can appreciate what you are saying. I too believe that one shouldn’t wear faith as a badge of honor. But, I also know that God commands me to “stand in the light”.
The damage done to the Christianity has been perpetrated mainly by those pseudo-Christians that claim to be doing the Lord’s work by condemning others then, turning to commit even worse atrocities! The hypocrisy that abounds inside the church walls is astounding! And you are right! Children abused, wars waged, people murdered and wholesale destruction of societies by people claiming to be Christ-like…what a joke!
If you notice, most of my posts are geared toward contradictions and hypocrisy. Futher, they are reflected of my “values” and not my political views. My spirituality is such a big part of my make-up that I have to have to let it be reflected as such. I know that there is risk inherent with these types of posts (“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves”). But, I also know that God smiles when they are posted.
Will. My apologies. When I first began my regular read of your very insighful Blog I mis-read "values drive though" as more of a secular intent rather than spiritual. Values as inferred by our constitution, fore-fathers and the vestiges of being a good citizen and neighbor. I certainly did not intend to curtail your beliefs and efforts to spread the word as the spirit moves you to do so.
The verses quoted are a reminder that most of the teachings and words in the Book are as valid today as they were when scripted. Thank you for the balance provided.
The verses quoted are a reminder that most of the teachings and words in the Book are as valid today as they were when scripted. Thank you for the balance provided.
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