Afghan Christian May Not Be Executed

Where is the bleeding-heart anger on this one? Typical for the Left, no outcry for the disenfranchised if that person is a Christian:
Although an Afghan Christian facing possible execution for converting from Islam was likely to be released from jail "soon", it was merely after Western pressure over the case that this occurred. Abdul Rahman was arrested two weeks ago under Islamic Sharia law and faced a possible death sentence in a case that has attracted condemnation (mostly from the United States).
It was US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that telephoned Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Thursday to step up pressure to free 41-year-old Rahman, who converted in Germany 16 years ago and was turned in by his parents on his return to Afghanistan. "There is no more fundamental issue for the United States than freedom of religion and religious conscience," she said. President George W. Bush also said that he was "deeply troubled" by the case.
No Liberal outcry - no Leftist fervor. Typical for a group that really has no foundation for their opinion other than hatred for those on the right.
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Glad to hear that. I certainly don't want to unnecessarily condemn all for the actions of a few.
Wecome back, Dave!
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Wecome back, Dave!
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