Quaker Simplicity

"The honest man, though ever so poor, Is king of men for all that". Those are the words of Scottish Poet Robert Burns in his sonnet: Is There For Honest Poverty. His words ring true to Christians that live the word of simplicity.
Simplicity isn't merely outward lifestyle choices (although Christian simplicity, in itself, can result in outward simplicity). To the contrary, Christian simplicity means inward simplicity. Quaker author Richard Foster called this having a single-eye toward God. Keeping our sight on God with all of our thoughts and actions - being in a constant state of prayer. By minimizing distractions that keep us from God, we grow to be more Christ-like.
Many things can keep us from simplicity. The least of which are not pride, greed, envy, etc. It is easy to see how each of these can keep us distracted. Jesus spoke of the sin of pride often during his teachings. He also spoke of the fact that it is most difficult for the wealthy to get into heaven. This wasn't because of God's dislike for the wealthy! It is because of their material wealth that they often have difficulty separating earthly and heavenly treasure. Too many distractions - more difficult to find simplicity! The honest man, though ever so poor, Is king of men for all that.
Will Eastman