International Death Penalty Abolition Day

March 1st - International Death Penalty Abolition Day. This is a tough issue for me. On one hand, I am for the death penalty. But as a Christian, it is hard for me to support the idea of snuffing a human life (except in self-defense or war, of course) - as a child of Christ, the criminal can still be forgiven by God. As a man, I have no capacity to forgive the murderers, rapists, and child-abusers. Do I feel bad when they feel the pain and death of execution? No, I really don't. But, the fact that they are children of God is my concern. I don't stay up at night worrying though.
MY big problem are those that make this a keystone issue while millions of INNOCENT men, women, and children suffer through death and torture in numbers a thousandfold to those killed by lethal injection in the U.S. Where should our concerns lie? Should we be defending these criminals BEFORE doing all that we can to eliminate the greater horrors in the world? It is hard for me to imagine that this should be the case.
It is estimated that Saddam Hussein had executed over 60,000 men! While I understand the Left response to this fact would be "there were no weapons of mass destruction!" (as if we haven't heard enough of that!). But, my question is: "where was the outrage of the Left?". Were those that demonstrate against the death penalty equally outraged against about the heathen Saddam's murders and tortures? No, they were waiting for relatively minor offenses carried out at Gitmo to get angry. Please! The typical response above only underscores another Leftist hypocrisy.
Chairman Mao - 40 million deaths, Hitler - 34 million, Stalin - 20 million. The outrage has pretty much always been pointed at America - not to the greater atrocities.
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The reason that I think capital punishment in our own country is important is not because I think that atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin or Mao are unimportant. The former is under our control and is being carried out on my behalf and in my name. I think the relationship between the two events is tangential. Capital punishment is in my view always morally wrong. Whether people are or are not outraged by the crimes perpetrated by the people being executed or by others such the list you mention has no bearing on the moral questions - as I think you implicitly acknowledge.
Killing is killing. dead is dead. Murder is murder. It does not matter which state does it, or in whose name it's being done.
We're supposed to be better than them, right? Isn't that the usual line?
We're supposed to be better than them, right? Isn't that the usual line?
I too struggle with this issue. As a Catholic, I should believe in the sanctity of human life beyond all other means. This rings true for my ardent stance against abortion. However, I am in favor of the death penalty in some cases. Although my views are in conflict with one another, I still support capital punishment. Such hypocrisy!
Killing IS Killing. But, Killing is not necessarily MURDER. In addition, I have a feeling that numbers DO matter.
No, I don't think we are better than them...merely equal. So, the outrage pointed at THEM should be relatively proportionate to the crimes committed. Shouldn't it?
No, I don't think we are better than them...merely equal. So, the outrage pointed at THEM should be relatively proportionate to the crimes committed. Shouldn't it?
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