In two days of violence, 111 are killed in Iraq. The violence was sparked after a Shiite shrine was bombed. Just today, 45 civilians were murdered in the streets of Iraq by radical gunmen. The acts of violence against Muslims should raise the eyebrows of liberals around the world! If we hear the same cry of the liberals after 9/11, it will sound like this: "what did those Shiites do to make those gunmen so disenfranchised?" Surely, they were only acting only in their own self-defense, right? The cries of liberals, that sought to understand the motivation behind the 9/11 hijackers, will not be heard this day.
The despicable act of murder that was displayed on the streets of Iraq today was condemned by President Bush (as was the bombing of the Shiite shrine). He condemned it as an evil act - as he did the murder of those in the Twin Towers. This should tell you of the man's convictions - especially as they compare to the convictions of the Blame America First crowd.
Will Eastman
// posted by Conservative Soup @
6:35 PM